Asian Rhinoplasty



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Miami Asian Rhinoplasty Specialist

There are times when the nose characteristics related to one’s ethnicity neglect to harmonize with the other features of his or her face. These individuals may be good candidates for an ethnic rhinoplasty (aka ethnic nose re-shaping surgery, ethnic nose surgery). One of these ethnic rhinoplasty procedures addresses the nose characteristics that are commonly seen in individuals of Asian descent.

Asian Nose Characteristics Miami Plastic Surgeons Address with a Rhinoplasty

The visual nose characteristics that are most notable in individuals of Asian descent include thick skin, a low nose bridge that lacks definition, a broad nose base, fairly wide nostrils and an under-projecting nasal tip that has weak cartilage. Many patients of Asian descent ask Dr. Nirmal Nathan, who is a board-certified, highly experienced plastic surgeon in Miami, to modify their nasal tip and add height to the bridge of their nose.

At Nathan Clinic, Patients Receive Individualized Surgical Plans

Nose-reshaping surgery can be the perfect solution for individuals who are unhappy with the way their nose looks, nonetheless, nose-reshaping surgery must be personalized to provide each patient with the best results possible. In addition, each ethnicity requires a different surgical approach. Dr. Nirmal Nathan helps men and women of every ethnicity attain the nose characteristics they desire by creating each patient a custom-designed surgical plan.

Natural-Looking Ethnic Rhinoplasty Results in Miami

Since Dr. Nathan is a well-seasoned plastic surgeon, he performs ethnic rhinoplasty procedures regularly. His experience and artistic vision allow him to create results that flatter the patient’s other facial features. Following surgery, Dr. Nathan’s patients enjoy nose characteristics that look completely natural and harmonize beautifully with the other features of their face.

Issues That Dr. Nathan Addresses With an Asian Rhinoplasty in Miami

During ethnic nose-reshaping surgery, Dr. Nirmal Nathan enhances the visual characteristics of the nose and, if applicable, corrects issues that negatively affect the function of the nose (e.g., a deviated septum).

Nose characteristics Dr. Nathan addresses with a nose-reshaping procedure in Miami include the:

  • Nose profile (i.e., the side view).
  • Size and shape of the nose.
  • Nose width.
  • Imbalance between the nose and other facial features.
  • Lack of definition in the bridge and the base of the nose.

In addition, Dr. Nirmal Nathan addresses issues related to the function of the nose resulting from a deviated septum. The septum is the piece of cartilage that separates the nostrils. A deviated septum refers to a misplaced septum. Sometimes a septum’s location can make breathing difficult. Individuals who have a deviated septum should also have a septoplasty during their nose-reshaping surgery. Following a septoplasty in Miami, patients state that they can breathe better.

Who Should Consider Having an Asian Rhinoplasty in Miami?

If a person’s nose does not harmonize with the rest of the face, or an individual is unhappy with the characteristics of his or her nose, he or she should consider having nose-reshaping surgery. In addition, men and women who have nose characteristics related to their ethnicity that they would like to change may want to consider finding out more about the ethnic rhinoplasty. Dr. Nirmal Nathan performs nose-reshaping surgery to address unwanted nose characteristics, including those associated with an individual’s ancestry.

During an ethnic nose-reshaping procedure for patients of Asian descent, Dr. Nathan can:

  • Enhance their facial profile by raising the bridge of their nose.
  • Decrease the width of their nose base and nostrils.
  • Improve the balance between their nose and the other features of the face.
  • Enhance the nose while maintaining the ethnic facial features they desire.
  • Address a broken nose to improve its appearance and function.
  • Provide patients with beautiful results that look natural.
  • Address a deviated septum.

What Makes Someone a Good Candidate for Ethnic Nose Surgery in Miami?

The ethnic rhinoplasty patient should be at least 13 years old. He or she should not use products that contain nicotine (e.g., cigarettes, chewing tobacco, e-cigarettes) and have realistic expectations regarding what Dr. Nathan can accomplish with ethnic nose-reshaping surgery in Miami.

Avoiding Nicotine is Crucial to the Healing Process

Nicotine, despite the product from which it is introduced into the body, impedes healing and greatly increases the patient’s risk of experiencing a complication following any surgical procedure. Since nicotine is a vasoconstrictor, these complications typically relate to the healing process.

How Nicotine Affects the Healing Process

As the blood vessels contract they become more narrow. These narrow vessels negatively affect the body’s healing process by slowing the flow of blood as it gathers the oxygen and nutrients the body needs to heal. This slow healing process can result in open wounds, infection and skin necrosis (i.e., skin death).

Recommendations for Individuals Who Do Use Products That Contain Nicotine

If an individual does use products that contain nicotine, Dr. Nirmal Nathan requests that he or she discontinues using these products for at least the four weeks before and four weeks after their Asian rhinoplasty. Patients need to keep in mind that most smoking cessation products also contain nicotine. Therefore, patients need to avoid these products for the same amount of time.

A Consultation for an Ethnic Nose-reshaping Procedure at The Nathan Clinic in Miami

Once an individual decides that a nose-reshaping procedure may be something he or she would like to learn more about, the next step is scheduling an initial consultation with Dr. Nirmal Nathan at The Nathan Clinic in Miami.

This consultation is an important step in the ethnic rhinoplasty process. During this appointment, Dr. Nathan gathers information from the potential patient that he uses to determine if the individual is a good candidate for a nose-reshaping procedure in Miami.

Some of the information potential patients need to provide during this consultation includes:

  • Details about his or her medical history, including current medications and past surgeries.
  • Health issues that he or she is presently experiencing.
  • What he or she would like to accomplish with nose surgery.
  • His or her lifestyle choices and personal habits.

During this initial consultation, Dr. Nathan wants to converse with the potential patient to establish mutual trust. This trust evolves from the individual providing him with accurate information and Dr. Nirmal Nathan answering his or her questions openly and honestly.

After listening to the individual’s concerns, Dr. Nathan performs a thorough nasal examination. After he completes this examination, Dr. Nirmal Nathan informs the potential patient what issues he can address during an ethnic rhinoplasty in Miami.

If he or she decides to move forward with an Asian nose-reshaping procedure, Dr. Nathan takes photographs of the patient’s nose and other facial features. He takes these photos from various angles. Dr. Nirmal Nathan refers to these pictures as he creates the patient’s custom-designed surgical plan.

Preparing for an Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Miami

Prior to surgery, there are certain things a patient must do to ensure his or her safety before and after surgery.

Medications, herbal supplements and vitamins to avoid for the 10 days leading up to and the 10 days after an Asian rhinoplasty in Miami:

The medications, herbs and vitamins that patients need to avoid during this timeframe are those that could cause excess bleeding.

Medications that patients need to avoid include:

  • Aspirin.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen.
  • Blood thinners like Coumadin.

If an individual needs to take a pain medication during this timeframe, he or she can use non-aspirin (aka acetaminophen, Tylenol).

Herbs to avoid include:

  • Clove.
  • Arnica.
  • Ginkgo Biloba.
  • Ginger.

Vitamins that patients need to avoid include:

  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin C.

In addition, there are herbs that can affect anesthesia.

These herbs include:

  • Kava Kava.
  • St. John’s Wort.
  • Valerian.

Make Travel Arrangements to and From Surgery

Since patients receive anesthesia during surgery, they are not permitted to drive for at least 24 hours. This restriction stems from the fact that after receiving anesthesia an individual’s response time increases, which could lead to the patient being involved in a vehicle crash.

The Nathan Clinic’s For-hire Transportation Policy

For the safety of his patients, following surgical procedures requiring sedation, Dr. Nathan does not allow his patients to use hired transportation.

Although Miami has numerous for-hire private and public transportation companies serving the community, to ensure his patients’ safety, Dr. Nathan does not permit the use of these companies following sedation. Firstly, after receiving these kinds of medication, patients are somewhat vulnerable, which could make them a target for someone who has nefarious intentions. Furthermore, patients who receive sedation may need assistance entering and exiting the vehicle, as well as climbing stairs. For-hire drivers are unable to accommodate these needs. Therefore, patients who arrive for surgery without a personal driver will have to reschedule their surgery.

Surgeon Experience is the Key to Attaining an Optimal Ethnic Rhinoplasty Result

An ethnic nose-reshaping procedure that helps harmonize the patient’s facial features without Westernizing the nose can be very rewarding. However, maintaining a patient’s ethnic identity while performing an Asian rhinoplasty is the most challenging aspect of this procedure. For this reason, it is vital that individuals choose a plastic surgeon who has in-depth knowledge of the unique characteristics of the Asian face. These unique characteristics can make the Asian rhinoplasty more difficult to perform than the traditional nose-reshaping procedure (aka a Western rhinoplasty), which is why choosing an experienced plastic surgeon is crucial to attaining beautiful, natural-looking results.

An Asian Rhinoplasty Frequently Requires a Bone Graft or an Implant

An Asian nose-reshaping procedure frequently requires the use of a bone graft or the insertion of a permanent synthetic implant. However, whenever possible, Dr. Nathan uses a bone graft instead of an implant. He prefers the bone graft because patients receiving synthetic implants are more likely to experience a complication (e.g., an infection) that requires implant removal. Developing an infection when the surgeon uses the patient’s own bone and cartilage during nose-reshaping surgery is highly unlikely.

An Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Miami

During nose-reshaping procedures, Dr. Nathan wants his patients to remain comfortable, which is why they receive general anesthesia or twilight sedation.

Dr. Nirmal Nathan uses two nose-surgery techniques to augment the nose, the open and the closed. However, when it comes to ethnic nose surgery for patients of Asian descent, Dr. Nathan prefers the open technique.

Dr. Nathan’s Approach to Ethnic Nose-reshaping Surgery

Dr. Nathan performs nose-reshaping procedures for men and women of all ethnicities. His extensive experience in performing these procedures allows him to recognize the variations in the skin and facial anatomy associated with each ethnicity.

The most important aspect of ethnic nose surgery is to provide the patient with beautiful, natural-looking results while maintaining the aspects of his or her ethnicity that the patient would like to keep. To accomplish this, the surgeon must acknowledge the skin thickness and anatomical differences from one ethnicity to the next.

An Asian Rhinoplasty Procedure With Dr. Nirmal Nathan in Miami

Ethnic nose surgeries are outpatient procedures; therefore, the surgeon releases the patient to his or her driver shortly after surgery.

Nose-reshaping surgery takes approximately two hours. However, patients who are having multiple procedures during a single surgical session (e.g., a facelift with an ethnic rhinoplasty) will remain in the surgical area longer.

On the day of surgery, the patient must arrive with his or her driver. Patients who do not bring a driver will need to reschedule their nose-reshaping procedure.

After the patient checks in, he or she is taken to the pre-op area. While here, a nurse takes the patient’s vitals (e.g., blood pressure, temperature) and begins preparing the patient for surgery.

Dr. Nirmal Nathan typically visits the patient while he or she is in the pre-op area to answer any last-minute questions. In addition, he may make several markings on the patient’s face to serve as a guide during the Asian nose-reshaping procedure.

Once Dr. Nathan is ready, a member of his team transports the patient to the surgical suite.


The patient knows which type of anesthesia he or she is receiving because Dr. Nathan and the patient discuss the types of anesthesia that are available and the differences between the two ahead of time. Dr. Nirmal Nathan recommends the type of anesthesia that he believes will serve the patient best. General anesthesia places the patient into a deeper sleep than twilight sedation will.

Once the anesthesiologist administers the appropriate medications, the patient falls asleep.

At this point, the Asian rhinoplasty begins.

Procedure steps for ethnic nose-reshaping surgery in Miami:

1. Creating the Incision

While performing nose-reshaping surgery for a patient of Asian descent, Dr. Nirmal Nathan uses the open technique.

The open technique involves the creation of an incision within the skin located between the nostrils (i.e., the columella). Creating the incision in the columella allows Dr. Nathan easy access to the cartilage and bones of the nose. Having access to this area during an Asian rhinoplasty is vital to the outcome of the surgery because most of the time patients of Asian descent need to have the bridge of their nose raised. Dr. Nirmal Nathan accomplishes this with a bone graft or a synthetic implant.

2. Nose Modification Options

Changing the Tip of the Nose

Following incision creation, Dr. Nathan uses his experience and artistic vision to sculpt the tip of the patient’s nose through gentle manipulation. He may also harvest cartilage from the patient’s ear, rib or nasal septum to augment the nasal tip further.

Raising the Bridge of the Nose

If Dr. Nathan needs to raise the bridge of the patient’s nose, he can use a:

  • Diced cartilage fascia (DCF) graft. He creates this graft using the patient’s tissue.
  • Synthetic implant.
  • Silicone implant.

Raising the Bridge

Implants are premade; therefore, it can be difficult to find a size that provides the patient with optimal results. Furthermore, when compared to a diced cartilage fascia graft, implants are more prone to complications (e.g., infection and extrusion).

Dr. Nathan molds a DCF graft to the shape and size he needs to provide the patient with the best results possible.

If a patient has a deviated septum, Dr. Nathan also performs a septoplasty during the patient’s nose-reshaping surgery in Miami.

3. Closing the Incision

Once Dr. Nathan is happy with the aesthetic and functional changes he has made to the patient’s nose, he uses very fine sutures to close the incision. Since the incision is hidden within the contours of the nose, once healing is complete, the resulting scar usually becomes undetectable in a relatively short amount of time.

Directly After Incision Closure

To protect the newly created nose structures and reduce inflammation, Dr. Nathan places a splint or a dressing over the patient’s nose. Most patients wear this dressing or splint for about a week.

The Recovery Process Following an Asian Rhinoplasty in Miami

Many patients are surprised to learn that nose-reshaping surgery is not very painful. Nonetheless, following nose surgery, patients typically feel somewhat sore and experience a sensation similar to a stuffed-up nose. Patients can reduce these symptoms with an oral medication approved by Dr. Nirmal Nathan. Sometimes, Dr. Nathan prescribes a nose surgery patient in Miami pain medication and a round of antibiotics. However, many patients just take acetaminophen for pain following nose-reshaping surgery.

It is crucial that patients avoid taking the medications, herbs and vitamins listed in the preparing for surgery section (e.g., aspirin, NSAIDs, vitamin E, Ginger). The products listed in this section should be avoided for at least 10 days after surgery.


If Dr. Nathan resets the nose bones during surgery, for at least six weeks the patient needs to refrain from allowing eyeglasses, sunglasses or 3D glasses to rest on the bridge of the nose. Following this requirement is vital because the weight of the glasses adds pressure to the nose, which could distort the changes made during surgery, negatively affecting the results.

Patients who do not wear contacts can use tape to secure their glasses or purchase an eyeglass holder that is specifically designed to keep the glasses away from the nose as it heals.


Patients can usually resume wearing their contacts two days after surgery.

Bruising and Inflammation

Bruising typically dissipates within a week, and the initial inflammation following surgery subsides gradually over a period of 10 to 14 days. Nevertheless, patients should expect some inflammation to remain from three to 12 months.

Reducing Inflammation

To reduce swelling, patients should use pillows to prop up their head while reading, sleeping and watching television. In addition, patients should not bend over or lift heavy objects/children, as this increases the pressure inside the nose.

Patients can also reduce inflammation by using a gel-filled ice pack around the nose every couple of hours throughout the day. Patients can apply the cold gel pack to an area near the nose for 20 minutes at a time.

Do not place the ice pack on the bridge of the nose. Also, to prevent skin damage from the cold gel, patients need to place a cloth in between the gel pack and their skin.

The Post-surgical Asian Rhinoplasty Appointment at The Nathan Clinic in Miami

The day after surgery, patients return to The Nathan Clinic for a follow-up appointment. Dr. Nirmal Nathan may have the patient return several times during the first week. He does this to ensure that the patient is healing as expected.

Splint and Suture Removal Following an Ethnic Nose-reshaping Procedure in Miami

Once Dr. Nirmal Nathan removes the patient’s splint and the sutures, which occurs about a week after surgery, he may place tape over the nose. This tape helps keep inflammation down.


Rest is an integral part of the healing process; therefore, taking time off work or school following surgery is an important part of the nose-reshaping process.

Returning to Work or School

Some patients return to work or school and resume light activity after Dr. Nirmal Nathan removes the splint and the stitches. However, some patients wait an additional week before they return to work or school.


Patients must keep from placing their head under water for at least six weeks after their nose-reshaping surgery.

Avoid Vigorous Activity

Strenuous activity increases inflammation by raising the blood pressure and increasing the heart rate, patients need to continue avoiding strenuous activity for approximately eight weeks.

Activities to avoid include:

  • Cycling.
  • Basketball.
  • Aerobics.
  • Running/Jogging.

Refrain From Spending Time in the Sun

Following surgery, the skin on the nose is sensitive, and UV rays from the sun can cause permanent skin discoloration along the incision line.

Following these recommendations greatly reduces the likelihood of experiencing a complication.

What Patients Can Expect: Long-term Nose Refinements

It takes time for the surgical refinements to become apparent. However, Dr. Nathan explains what the patient can expect during recovery, as well as his expectations relating to results. The refinements that Dr. Nirmal Nathan makes during a patient’s Asian rhinoplasty in Miami are permanent.

Potential Complications Associated With Ethnic Nose-reshaping Surgery

Every surgical procedure comes with its own risks and potential complications; nose-reshaping surgery is no different. Nonetheless, the best way to decrease the likelihood of experiencing a complication is to choose a plastic surgeon who has experience performing ethnic nose-reshaping procedures.

Potential complications include:

  • A reaction to the medications or products used during surgery.
  • The development of an infection.
  • Visible scarring.
  • Asymmetrical nostrils.
  • Obstruction within the nasal cavity.
  • Uneven nasal passages.
  • Skin necrosis.
  • Excess bleeding.
  • Septal perforation.
  • The need for another surgery.

Asian nose-reshaping surgery is a technically challenging and delicate procedure that requires a highly skilled plastic surgeon like Dr. Nirmal Nathan. His experience, sharp eye for detail and artistic vision make him one of the top plastic surgeons in the Miami area.

What Is the Cost of an Asian Rhinoplasty in Miami?

To determine how much an individual’s nose-reshaping surgery costs, he or she needs to make an appointment at The Nathan Clinic. After an initial consultation, Dr. Nirmal Nathan can provide the individual with an estimate.

Does Health Insurance Cover an Asian Rhinoplasty in Miami?

An ethnic nose-reshaping procedure is an aesthetic surgery; however, patients who are experiencing breathing difficulties due to a structural issue (e.g., a deviated septum) may be able to claim the septoplasty portion of their procedure on their health insurance.

At The Nathan Clinic in Miami, Dr. Nirmal Nathan helps men and women of Asian descent attain the nose characteristics they desire. He dedicates himself to providing each patient with beautiful, natural-looking results. To accomplish this, Dr. Nathan creates each patient a highly specialized, custom-designed Asian rhinoplasty treatment plan. Call 305-530-8880 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nirmal Nathan today. The Nathan Clinic’s address is 4770 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 830 in Miami.


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